Perfume labels: Boost the value of your perfume
Perfume labels have the power to ennoble your product and make it unique, reflecting the fragrance composing it.
You have finalized the design of your perfume, the scents have been worked on to be unique, singular.
Almost all the elements composing your packaging are harmonious, you just need the final touch to make your creation perfect.
Thanks to our large expertise, we offer you tailor-made label printing to highlight your perfume. Our various printing lines allow you to choose the appropriate technology according to your wishes: marquage à chaud, vernis, dômage, gaufrage…
You wish to exchange about your demands in order to sublimate your perfume? Click here now, and we will call you shortly.
Perfume labels, the final touch to transcend and secure your product.
It is first with their eyes that customers choose the fragrance that will accompany them for months. Therefore, the label is crucial to seduce your future client.
We offer you several types of labels to meet your esthetic, technical and regulation requirements while respecting the harmony of your packaging.
Facing labels
Facing labels allow to highlight your perfume and your brand. We put our technical excellence at your disposal to offer you a unique and high-quality product.
Our knowledge of colors allows you to obtain either original or already existing tints. Our realizations are varied: hot stamping , embossing, varnish, doming and fit the constraints of your activity, in particular in terms of adhesive and durability.
DB Premium labels, unique and respectful of the environment
The world of perfumery takes a deep interest in ecology. We are eager to support you in these endeavors. Our production is 100% french and our raw materials are respectful of the environment.
We are dedicated to the respect of the current environmental standards by combining esthetiscs and respect for nature.
The +: We collect your used glassines in order to recycle them, without any extra cost!