Cutting edge technologies for your tailor-made luxury labels

With almost 30 years of experience in the field of the luxury labelling, DB Premium offers you high-quality products while mastering printing and execution technologies to meet your requirements.

Whatever the challenge, either technical or esthetic, we will promptly rise to the occasion. A label must trigger a craving in your customer: it has to be unique and eye-catching.

Whether it be an existing label or a new project, the printing of a label is often the last step before finalizing a product. You already know what will enhance your design, the mock-up is ready. It is time to make it happen: DB Premium will help you bring your project to life.

You wish to know more about our various technologies and achievements? Click here now, and we will call you shortly.

étiquette de luxe parfum

Mastering the use of colors, the art of playing with tints

Each fragrance is unique and stirs a different emotion, just like colors do. We give it a very particular attention to allow your label to match the spirit of your brand.

Each color is tested in our laboratory. Our color laboratory is entirely designed to guarantee the achievement of tailor-made colors so that each shade is harmonious.

Execution processes, a tailor-made adaptability to match your expectations

Our various printing techniques will ennoble your labels. Our innovative dynamic compels us to always look for innovation with the sole purpose of satisfying you. Our expert teams have mastered to perfection the art of printing and all its subtleties.


Intended for numerous materials, doming highlights the colors of your label and can have a shiny, matt or olfactory finish.


Offer your packaging a flamboyant gilding: the large range of colors allows you to enhance your brand.


The embossing process allows you to highlight your ideas by giving your material the desired shape.


Whether to enhance or protect your labels, the varnish allows you to get a glossy or satin finish and can also be worked on to get a glittery effect.

Mastering the use of colors, the art of playing with tints.

DB Premium innovates and inspires you thanks to its wide range of textures. Our carefully selected adhesives are long-lasting and resist humid atmospheres such as bathrooms. Also designed to tame the heat, DB Premium labels will adapt to each of your media.


A wide range of paper (coated, textured) will be offered to you. We offer you a wide range of paper (coated, textured): Extremely versatile, this material will ennoble your products thanks to its flexibility in printing.


Synthetic materials are immutable and extremely resistant. They can be transparent to give your labels a « no label » look.

expertise étiquette créative


We offer you a wide range of materials to enhance your packagings. Give character to your label by using leather, a suave sweetness with velvet, or evoke the wonder of nature by opting for wooden materials.


To fight against fraud and guarantee the authenticity of your products, choose a material that will protect your brand from any attempt to counterfeit it. We offer you a wide range of materials to enhance your packagings.

Technologie d’impression, un parc machines innovant et complet

Une réponse compétitive et personnalisée vous sera toujours proposée, afin de vous offrir le meilleur des technologies sur le marché.


A noble process par excellence, screen printing will fit all your esthetic and technical constraints.

Etiquette flexographie


Ideal for medium and large series, flexography will seduce you by combining quality and optimal speed.


Our digital printing line is of the latest generation: it combines a digital quality with an unprecedented speed.

Qualité, notre engagement quotidien

Pour vous fournir une qualité irréprochable à la hauteur de vos attentes, DB Premium s’est doté de  caméras sur chaque ligne d’impression et de contrôle. Chaque lot fabriqué est également soumis à un  contrôle spectrocolorimétrique.

Nous mettons au cœur de nos préoccupations la qualité que nous vous devons : DB Premium est certifié QUALETIQ, signe d’excellence des fabricants d’étiquettes.

You wish to know more about our printing technologies? Click here now, and we will call you shortly.
